Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Black Lagoon S01E01 - "She's... smiling."

Series 1, Episode 1

Series Title Card
Tokyo. We see the grey day world of what is described as a normal working routine.
China Sea. Pirates. Gun barrels.

That’s the premise of “Black Lagoon”, one of the most well-animated and told animes. (Yes, we’re talking about an anime, an animated series from Japan, country of the sun – or so I’m told.)
This series, which consists of two series (each 12 episodes long) and a five-part OVA follow-up series, is one of my very favorites. You will see why but let’s start in the right order. Episode One. Go.

"You don't mess with us, kid. She's the hot one and I'm The Rock."
We start with the premise of the series. Because of that we are now on a boat on the South China Sea, which is under the control by some pirates, otherwise known as the Lagoon company. And they’re pointing guns at the series’ main character. And they’ve got a torpedo boat, how awesome is that?  But back to the story, the Lagoons (I’m calling them that for now) are after a certain disc which contains high-value information on the main character’s company. The ship’s crew which was taken hostage is unharmed which shows us why the show is sticking with them. Could they be the good bad guys?
Our office worker a.k.a. main character, however, is forced to accompany them on their boat where the two pirates reunite with the third one of the group. They’re phoning Balalaika, who will become a major player in the series following after this episode, who apparently paid them to get hold of the very disc they’ve just taken from our office friend.
Switch. We are now being shown a CEO meeting of the protagonist’s company who has received an offer from the Russian mob for that very disc. A disc that ‘would lead to the worst scandal’ in its history. The company therefore gives an executive order (what could that off all things only mean?^^)  to get the disc back at all costs.
Back on the torpedo boat, we get to know Revy, who likes, I mean, really loves, shooting at people which in that case redirects to our friend. Dutch, the other of the two pirates in the room, holds her back from killing him and more importantly for them, damaging the boat’s interior. Rokuro Okajima which is the name of our guy, now becomes “Rock” for the crew and they invite him as their hostage to get a drink in one of what must be described as the world’s most bad-ass and crime-filled city. And from now on, you can already guess how awesome this show is, I mean, kidnappers and hostage going drinking and chatting like nothing even happened. Third pirate, Benny, now gets a bit of screen time and he is the kind of person we all kind of are, a computer nerd just wanting to have some fun. And you probably guessed what’s coming now, right, a drinking contest between Rock and the hot Revy. And guess what: “Mr. Japanese” (Rock) stood up for himself and even won, at least in my opinion because this one ended in a tie. Shame. Meanwhile, the crew gets warned of the planned assault on them by the very Balalaika (and yes, her face is half burned in case you were wondering).

"Wanna party?"
And here we are. Please be sure to have watched the episode ‘cause now, it’s getting heavy. With bad-ass motherf***ing bad guy (and yes, he truly is that) introducing himself with lots and lots of bullets and grenades. Sorry for the bar owner who SPOILER will have to redecorate a lot more with the series continuing SPOILER END.  “Two-Hands” makes her appearance. Revy as one ass-kicking hottie. This action sequence has it in it, lonely for that one, watch the episode. Trust me.
After damn much of cool fighting, the crew, now including Rock, can escape while we’re told that the Lagoon company has just defeated a group more effective than the Special Forces.
Then, the show delivers the long-awaited explanation of what is the content of the disc. And what it contains, information about a secret nuclear weapon-development program for a ‘certain war-torn’ country. And just when you thought that this was a big development, wait for this: the company tells Rock in his face (well, more like into his ears) that they consider him dead. Boom. And now we know the reason why Rock later will decide to join the Lagoons on their quest for money, blood and justice. Well, I can’t always guarantee for the latter one, but oh well, the fights are so awesome, I don’t mind that.
In the immediate aftermath of Rock’s boss telling him he’s dead (asshole?), extra-cool Special Forces group shows up uninvited in an above military-grade chopper and launches some serious stuff at the crew’s boat, forcing them to run. (My personal favourite from back then was Rock hiding under a torpedo launcher. Nothing beats the safety of that move. :P ) And before Rock can jump off the boat, Revy jumps him and prevents him from leaving the boat, thank God. But now, play time is over and we get to see a so angry Rock that you might just think ‘who is this guy’. Throwing a machine gun into the air, kind of directed at the helicopter tailing them, the first episode finds it end and delivers what for me is simply the best outro sequence a show ever could deliver with an epic score. End of episode one.

'Don't say any negative things about me, okay?'
So, what is there to say about the premiere of “Black Lagoon”? – It delivers a really moving score and animations by far some of the best in anime, while it also delivers a compelling story. Guy (Rock) gets treated like shit by his bosses, gets taken hostage by pirates and ends up on their boat being attacked by some military group eager to end their lives, right after they’re done playing around with them. As for what comes, it’s clear: Rock will join the crew out of that and maybe some few more reasons we get to know later on.
While there were also some minor negative effects (which mainly just are to be found because this is the premiere one, so they have to introduce us to every character which is a difficult task for the short time of 23 minutes per episode, still including into and outro sequences), the show itself is a fun, not to be taken too serious, ride along the goodest (and yes, I do know this word doesn’t really exist but you get what it means) pirates in the South China Sea and probably, but just probably, around the world.
The characters themselves are presented very well and detailed though it was not detailed enough for me to let it slip (as seen as I previously pointed that part out as a negative mark), but since episode two is delivering much more and the series itself never stops to give them new dimensions, it is okay.

"Does this show ever need a reason for anything, smart ass?'
Dutch (big guy) is the boss and handles the crew’s emotions if they fall out of their allowed space like Revy’s often do. He is in control of the boat itself and is shown to have a very good and solid relationship to our mysterious blonde, named Balalaika. What is behind that, is yet to come.
Benny, the tech guy, is, well, the tech guy. He loves to play with his toys and is damn good at those. But don’t fear any too-much nerdish comments, the show gets around without them, and at that, it does exemplary. He is also shown to be the best one able to connect with Rock’s background but we will see later that he won’t be/stay the only one.
Revy, also known as “Two-Hands”, is damn awesome at fighting, mostly the shooting part with two special guns, not custom-made. She is also very good at ass-kicking (bar scene!) and (thank you) damn hot! A dream girl, if you put besides that you should always wear a bulletproof vest if you’re near her or you might not live to see her inner beauties (which also are determined by her guns, apparently). 


Shortly said, the show is bombastic food for all you out there loving some good (gun) action but also a good story and a wonderful setting with great characters while watching a fun ride in the world’s worst city, Roanapur. Also, the overall feeling you get when you watch this show is just, plain said, awesome. 5/5 stars for the series while episode one because of the premiere effect manages to get 4 stars. Hope you’ll enjoy the series as well as I did and also, think about what kind of firepower you want to bring to every next episode because you will need it.

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